Tuesday, December 28, 2010

BG Circular

Please be informed that as per instruction from Govt. of India, "APIS"
data is mandatory for all DEL DAC DEL flights. And with effect from 01December2010 they are going to impose
penalty for defalcation as follows.

1. Penalty of Rs.50000/- per flight for non-furnishing the APIS data .

2. Penalty of Rs.1000/- per passenger for non-furnishing the APIS data.

Agents may contact local BG for any query.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Abacus Basic Training (28Nov - 06Dec)

Abacus Mobile

Abacus Mobile, our latest point-of-sale offering is now ready for Nepal market. Please contact us if you are interested in this new POS technology.

Abacus Mobile Connecting You on the Go
Mobile is redefining our mobility, changing the way we explore, commute and travel. Similarly, businesses are also rapidly adapting to the mobile trend. It will come as no surprise to travel providers that mobile devices such as smartphones offer an enormous opportunity to be leveraged as a mobile tool to manage customers’ post-booking activities.

The Asia-Pacific has the largest number of mobile subscriber base in the world with over 2.1 billion phone subscriptions in 2010, coupled with a forecasted growth of 50% by 2020. There is little doubt that mobile will be the next platform for travel management. With rising trends such as the increase in mobile smartphone usage and the changing landscape in travel patterns, it is imperative that travel agents become equipped with the latest technology to achieve higher productivity, greater customer retention and increased sales performance.

Abacus, Asia’s leading solutions and services provider for travel, is launching the first-of-its-kind mobile solution to meet the rising demand from travel agencies to enhance customer experience during booking. Abacus Mobile is a web-based point-of-sale application available on mobile devices. Offering an expert mode of facilitating better customer service, performing reservations, pricing, ticketing, and accessing travel-related information on mobile devices anytime, Abacus Mobile allows travel consultants like you to stay connected even when out-of-office and to manage your customer’s travel itinerary with greater speed, accuracy and efficiency. Keeping travel agencies and travellers connected via mobile truly marks the foundation for increased customer satisfaction and improved retention.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

BG Circular

BG E-tickets are being refund through your GDS system favouring the
agents. It has been observed that huge noshow are being involved with the
ticket which are not collected.
As per decision of Biman Management, you are requested not to give any
refund without the clearance of Biman office, Kathmandu.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

आजदेखि ओमान एयरको उडान

The following news was published in the eKantipur.com. As a Sabre hosted airlines there is a greater PNR synchronization in Abacus.

कान्तिपुर संवाददाता

काठमाडौ, भाद्र १७ - नेपाललाई अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मुलुकसँग जोड्नका लागि अर्को नयाँ कम्पनीले आफ्नो सेवा बिहीबारदेखि सुरु गरेको छ । अरेबियन विमान कम्पनी ओमान एयरले पहिलो उडान बिहीबार गरे पनि नियमित उडान भने असोजको मध्यबाट मात्र थाल्ने कम्पनीले जनाएको छ । यसले काठमाडौं-मस्कटबीच साताको चार उडान गर्नेछ ।

एयरले नेपालबाहेक अन्य १९ मुलुकका ३६ गन्तव्यमा साताको २ सय ९६ उडान सञ्चालन गरिरहेको छ । बोइङ ७३७-७०० जहाजबाट दुई मुलुक जोड्ने कम्पनीले अरब मुलुकमा काम गर्ने नेपाली कामदारलाई लक्षित गर्दै उडान सुरु गरेको हो । एयरको सेवाले नेपाली पर्यटनमा टेवा पुर्‍याउने कम्पनीको दाबी छ । ओमानले हवाई सेवा सुरु गर्ने मुलुकमा नेपाल ४० औं क्रममा पर्छ । एयरका प्रमुख कार्यकारी पिटर हिलका अनुसार एयरले बजारका आधारमा भविष्यमा उडान संख्या बढाउँदै जानेछ । नेपाललाई आबुधाबी, दुबई र युरोपसँग जोड्न एयरले महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाउने उनले बताए ।

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Oman Air (WY)

Oman Air commencing flight from 02 Sptember10.

Inaugural Fares to the Middle East & Europe.

For further details contact Oman Air Office 4444384/4444383/4444381


Friday, July 9, 2010

Circular Of Kingfisher Airline

Removal of HX/UC/UN/NO Segments from the PNR

Kingfisher Airlines would like inform our Travel Partners that we are currently incurring huge distributions costs arising out of un-productive but costly booking practices.We strongly believe that there are opportunities to reduce the same as long we as partners, work towards optimizing our work processes.
We would like to take this opportunity to inform our industry partners on the importance of cancelling all un-productive & in-active segments with status codes (HX/UC/UN/NO) from all PNR’s by constantly monitoring your GDS Queues.Whenever Kingfisher Airlines cancels un-ticketed PNR’s, our host system transmits the following Vendor Remarks along with the status codes (HX/UC/UN/NO) returned on PNR’s.

We would like to reiterate that Kingfisher Airlines would be raising ADM’s for all in-active (HX/UC/UN/NO) segments not cancelled by Agencies as per our ADM Policy circulated earlier.

Pokhara Training (28Jun'10 - 04Jul'10)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Silk Air flights from Bangalore, Chennai

Silk Air, the full service regional airline wing of Singapore Airlines Group, does not foresee any signif­icant increase in passenger rush in the near future.The airline, operating the narrow body fleet of the par­ent group to different desti­nations in Asia, sees the demand to be stable, and hot going upwards'."We don't see the demand going upwards at present, but we see an in­crease in demand from India where the response to our service continues to be good," Silk Air Public Affairs head So ray a Salim said. Silk Air is all set to launch daily services from Bangalore starting May 17 and Chennai from June 14, subject to regu­latory approvals. The introduction of the new services will comple­ment Singapore Airlines' ex­isting daily flights to both cities and increase the daily flights operated by the group to the two cities to two each. Expansion plans Of the 400 flights it oper­ates every week to thirty three destinations in 11 countries, Silk Air has daily direct flights to Singapore from Hyderabad and Kochi in addition to tri ­weekly flights from Thiruvananthapuram and Coimbatore. Asked about the expansion plans. Ms. So ray a said the company would operate the flights on all routes, including the two new routes, with the existing fleet of 17 Airbus A 320 family aircraft (11 A 320 and 6 A 319).

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Abacus Smart Price & ET Course(16Mar -24Mar)

Etihad Airways Circular

Etihad Airways Circular

Servcie Fee-Effective 01 april 2010

Inline with the global market practice, Agency commission will now be replaced with Passenger Service Fees (PSF), which can be claimed from the passenger to the maximum of 7 percent of fares including fuel surcharge.

Passenger Service Fee (PSF) should not be reported in BSP and should only be reflected on Passenger receipt.

Passenger Service Fee will be purely an understanding between agency and passenger, no claims and liability of airline with regard to PSF.

Effective 01 April 2010 Agency IATA commission will be Zero for Etihad Airways

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Singapore, 18 March 2010 – Abacus, Asia’s leading provider for travel solutions and services recently completed the Abacus Merchandising Survey 2010 interviewing Asian airline executives. The surveyed results show that airlines across the region will be stepping up their efforts to capture new revenue growth through ancillary revenue.

The Abacus survey found that 75% of airlines’ management teams were either ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ committed in making ancillary services as one of their key priorities for 2010. More than half these airlines were already somewhat or heavily involved in merchandising strategies such as branded fares or ancillary products and services.

Abacus Vice President of Marketing, Brett Henry, said, “The survey has made it clear that airlines in all segments across Asia, not just LCCs, are making ancillary revenues a key component of their future revenue growth strategies.”

Another key insight from the survey Asian airlines shows that travel agencies will play a key role in their ancillary revenue efforts. 60% of the airlines indicated the agency channel as a pivotal part of their merchandising expansion plan, and they look to work more closely with the agencies to drive greater ancillary revenue this year.

Regarded as a high-yield revenue stream, industry analysts think the unbundling of services can offer airlines opportunities for brand image enhancement, product differentiation and sustainable competitive advantage . A recent report by the Centre for Asia Pacific Airlines (CAPA) predicted that airlines worldwide are expected to generate USD58 billion in ancillaries this year. For leading low cost carriers in mature markets, ancillary revenue already accounts for more than 15% of total revenue .

However, most of the Asian airlines surveyed by Abacus had tied the contribution of ancillary sales to a nominal amount of less than 5% of their total sales.

“In the U.S., traditional network carriers now fill the top three positions in annual total ancillary revenue instead of budget airlines . There is a huge revenue opportunity for Asian airlines in cultivating ancillaries as part of their overall business strategy,” continued Mr Henry.

“We have seen some of the world’s top carriers applying a-la-carte fees to business class travel and premium seatings over the past year, and these moves have set the industry thinking about ancillary products as a viable revenue source. What is key to the success of introducing this new revenue strategy to the market lies in careful management of customers’ expectations without hurting the brand integrity of the carriers.”

The top ancillary revenue category cited by Asian airlines in the Abacus survey was the selling of travel insurance. Other key strategies cited included onboard advertising, premium seat assignments, branded fares adoption, advanced seat assignments, paying for the first checked bag and lounge access.

Abacus has been supporting carriers to ancillary models being first to market in the region with solutions such as Abacus Branded Fares.

Mr Henry added, “More innovation is expected as merchandising strategies evolve. Abacus Branded Fares is a first-of-its-kind solution in Asia enabling airlines effectively to sell unbundled services categorised by fare families with similar attributes. This business model gives the airlines the opportunity to emphasise the true value of their fares instead of appearing only focused on price.”

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Abacus eServices - Double Happiness Contest for Travel Agents

Attn All Abacus Subscribers,

Please log on to abacus eServices or https://eservices.abacus.com.sg

Example for log in

Abacus Agent ID:-5555

Similar as above input your own agent id, id password and your PCC.

The quiz will appear on the left portion of your eServices page (See
Attached - Quiz in eServices) and Abacus will collate the winners, which
will be announced after 31Mar.

Existing travel agents registered with eServices - get 1 chance in lucky
draw when they answer a quiz

New travel agents who registered with eServices between 1Mar - 31Mar -
get 2 chances in lucky draw when they answer a quiz

The prizes include 20 sets of S$50 worth of shopping vouchers.

Also click following hyperlink for your further information.



GF KTM has informed following, please take note:

GF has introduced a Business Class Surcharge starting from USD165 (approx) for KTM-BAH-KTM on all online destinations.


Sunday, February 14, 2010