Dear Sir/Madam,
Please convey following
information to all travel agents under your jurisdiction.
TSA (transportation security
administration) of USA reiterating the need for inserting Secured Flight Data
and Honorific Titles for all passengers traveling on US bound flights.
The insertion of Secured Flight
Data (SSR DOCS, DOCO, DOCA) in all PNRs for travel into, out of or over the USA
in mandatory as per the directives of US Department of Homeland Security, and it
is extremely important and necessary that all agencies are advised of this
Ensure this information is
entered into all existing bookings, if this information has not been entered the
PNR will have to be cancelled prior to D-3 days.
Any booking made within D-3
days will have this information at the time of creation of PNR as this
information will be sent automatically to the US Department of Homeland Security
on the end of PNR creation.
Currently the AI reservation
system does not reject bookings without this information, therefore it is
absolutely essential to check all bookings and ensure this information has been